Our Story


Desserts is Stressed spelt backwards

Did you know that? Well, now you know. It’s undeniable that a good cake makes everything ok. And Science affirms this. Haven’t you heard that endorphins produced from eating a good cake give you the feel-good bumps? The proof is in the pudding, as they say. So in our quest to spread happiness and joy during these trying times, with the support of our family and friends, we set up Just Baked in August 2020, in the middle of a global pandemic! That’s how much we believe in our product and our simple social cause: to spread happiness and to provide flexible employment opportunities to moms with schoolgoing kids or persons who for various reasons aren’t able to secure gainful employment. So that they can earn some income while caring for their families or regain self-confidence, self-esteem and dignity as skilful contributors to the economy. Come visit us at the shop or just browse these pages, to get to know us and our products better. You’re welcome!